Ditch the Clutter in 2021

Ditch the clutter in 2021 as an attainable new year’s resolution! 

The new year is the perfect time to clear out the clutter that is holding you back from a tidier home. Therefore, we analyzed often overlooked items to offer the best advice on what to donate or store. Read on to learn about the ten unique items to discard in the new year. 

Old Winter Clothes and Accessories

For us Floridians, it’s a good chance you’ve come across a bin full of winter clothing and accessories that have gone untouched for years. Now’s the time to donate it all. However, before you head out with boxes and bins in tow, be sure to check in with your location donation center. Their hours or accepted items list may have been affected by the pandemic. 

Mismatched Hangers

After clearing the closet out of old clothes, it’s time to reevaluate your hanger collection. Holding onto hangers of different sizes, shapes, and colors will keep your wardrobe looking and feeling unkempt. Throw away or donate any hangers that don’t match, and treat yourself to a new pack if you have extra items to hang up. 

Extra Mugs

Collecting random mugs over the years is typical for most Americans. Some came in matching sets, but many of them have chips. Or you picked up ones during your travels or received them as gifts. But as 2020 comes to an end, there’s no better time to let go of the excess in your cupboards. Especially if it’s cracked or permanently stained, it can go. 

Random Food in the Kitchen

If you have any boxed or canned food that you didn’t end up using over the holidays, donate it to your local food pantry. And of course, check the back of the fridge for anything that’s expired

Expired Products

After you’ve checked the fridge, head to your bathroom, and check the dates on every box and bottle. There’s no reason to hang onto personal care products from shampoo and makeup to ointments and medicine once they’ve expired. 

Half-Burned Candles

Most of you have a cabinet full of candles you liked for a while but haven’t used in forever. It’s time to make room for all those new holiday candles you’ve acquired in the last couple of months. If you’re looking to upcycle the jars, you can carefully melt the wax down in the microwave and pour it into a pot you’re okay with tossing.

Sad, Tired Pillows

According to experts at Tempur-Pedic, replace pillows after 1-2 years. If you’ve had the same one on your bed for a while, it’s probably time to invest in a new one. If you don’t want to throw yours out, check in with your local animal shelter and see if they accept used pillows to put in the animals’ crates. 

Dingy Towels

Did you know that you’re supposed to wash your bathroom towels every two days? Bacteria will take over when not cleaned often. 

Either way, after so many uses and washes, your towels are probably worn out. Please get rid of any thinning, raggedy towels—you can recycle them as rags in your garage or shed-—and invest in a new set. 

Missing Pieces to Puzzles

Admit it—you did a puzzle in 2020, didn’t you? Unfortunately, suppose you pulled out an old puzzle and found out pieces were missing. In that case, the reality is: it will never get any less frustrating. The missing pieces are not coming back, so parting ways with the puzzle is wise. The same goes for decks of cards, toys, or any other games missing required playing pieces. 

Unnecessary Takeout Menus

Last but not least, get rid of all those crumpled takeout menus that are stuffed in your junk drawer or hung up on the side of the fridge. Only keep the menus you use, unless they’re available online—then you should probably toss those, too. 

Contact Us

Never hesitate to reach out to us at Belleair Storage. We are here to serve our tenants in the best ways possible. Ditch the clutter in 2021 to start the new year off right!