Five Benefits of Using a Storage Facility When Renovating Your Home

Home renovation requires a lot of effort, time, and money. You need to buy materials, hire contractors, and find a designer, to name a few. It can get more challenging when it comes to managing all of your belongings during the renovation. One of the best ways to take care of your stuff during a remodeling is to store it in a self-storage unit. Belleair Storage shares five benefits of using a storage facility when renovating your home.

Helps Manage the Clutter

During the remodeling phase, people realize that they have many things they don’t need or regularly use but want to keep. Shifting all those things to a safe storage facility can give you more room to work. Having a clear space allows you to stay focused on the task at hand.

Stay Organized

Without a doubt: stuff gets all over the place during home improvements. In all that hustle, everything can become a mess. This disorder can make finding the right things at the right time quite a task. A storage unit can help you keep things organized. 

Suppose you want everything to look more spacious after the renovation. In that case, you can store some of your belongings in a storage unit even after the renovation is complete to figure out how you want to decorate. 

Protect Against Dust

Keeping your furniture, clothing, and other items in a self-storage unit can save you the trouble and money it would take to clean everything. Renovations involve constant dust particles and chemicals in the air because of all of the breaking and scrapping. Your furniture, couches, bed mattresses, and upholstery can get dust all over them. This dust can make it impossible to clean them off entirely. Even if you cover them with sheets or dust protectors, it can still be challenging to clean them. 

Reduces the Risk of Damage

Things often get damaged during construction. Items tumble, break, and chemicals spill. The only way to prevent such mishaps is to keep the renovation area clear of any objects, big or small. You can do that by keeping your belongings in a self-storage unit. You can also opt for a climate-controlled unit for your fragile items.

Create Zero Dependency

Sometimes we want to rely on neighbors and family members to keep our valuables and essentials safe during the renovation. However, this option can be inconvenient. With a roll-up storage unit, you can take out your stuff whenever you want.

Keeps your Valuables Safe

Storage facilities, like Belleair Storage, have proper safety measures, such as CCTV cameras and lighting, to keep valuable items like jewelry, artwork, documents, and antiques safe. Some facilities also provide insurance coverage or provide insurance resources. 

Contact Belleair Storage

Suppose you are about to start your home renovation. You begin the process by looking for a self-storage unit. Belleair Storage of Florida is your one-stop destination. We offer quality storage units at a satisfactory rate for short and long-term storage. We also provide climate-controlled storage units to keep your fragile items safe; it adds to the five benefits of using a storage facility when renovating your home.

Call the office today at 727-584-3575 for availability!